mercredi 24 juin 2009

Long Tail Concept

Does the Long Tail concept fit in the 'customer in charge' environment?

The long tail concept has been created by Chris Anderson, in the Wired Magazine. This concept defines all the products which are sold in small quantity but whose the sum of sales could collectively exceed the sale of the most sold products.
The Long tail is particularly adapted to Web distribution model because the cost of on-line publishing of a supplementary product is marginal and the virtual displays of e-commerce websites are infinite, unlike the physical stores which have to restrict themselves to propose only the best sales in order to make profit in a "small show room" (Fnac, Virgin, Wal Mart...)

In my opinion the long tail concept fit perfectly well with the customer in charge environment. Indeed, in the customer in charge environment the product has to adapt itself to its customers. And it's going to be more and more commun towards this news decades.

The concept of long tail is designed to fit in this environment, especially on the Web distribution model where there is no geographic restrictrition and very low publishing fees.

How does
MyMajorCompany understand those two concepts ?

MyMajorCompany is a community label which allows the Internet users to produce directly their artists.
It has for ambition to become the main discovery gate, in order to launch and follow-up of the new musical talents in France then in Europe

2 main objectives:
- To let internet users know a quality music. MyMajorCompany wants to gather the best of the non-signed artists and to allow the public to take advantage of their work.

-To involve the consumers in the artists selection and in their success. In MyMajorCompany, the Internet users become Producers. By deciding to bet on their favourite artists, they select those who will be produced, distributed and mediatized. They participate in the strategic decisions of their development and earn some money on the sales of the artists they support

By those two objectives MyMajorCompany fits with the customer in charge by let the customer to choose between several artists to be produced and apply the long tail concept by dealing with artists who have been left behind the mainstreams.

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